
Daniel Barenboim performs Schubert piano sonata cycles in Vienna, London and Paris

From May 5 to June 2, 2015, Daniel Barenboim devotes himself to the piano sonatas of Franz Schubert, performing this touchstone of the repertoire in a series of recitals at the Musikverein in Vienna, the Philharmonie de Paris, and the Royal Festival Hall in London. For the pianist and conductor, performing Schubert’s complete piano sonatas has been "an intense and fascinating voyage into these microcosms of harmonic sophistication." 

Barenboim will give four recitals in the Austrian capital on May 5, 8, 10 and 12. From Vienna, Barenboim brings his all-Schubert program to the newly opened Philharmonie de Paris, where he appears on May 18, 19, 22 and 24. To round his month of Schubert, Barenboim returns to London’s Royal Festival Hall as part of the Southbank Centre’s Barenboim Project 2015. Barenboim concludes his Schubert cycle performances with recitals on May 27, 29, 31 and June 2. 

On May 26, Barenboim will deliver the 2015 Edward W. Said London Lecture at Queen Elizabeth Hall. In 1999, Daniel Barenboim and the Edward Said co-founded the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, an orchestra comprised of musicians from Israel, Palestine, and other Arab countries.